A few weeks ago Ben had a half day at work because of all the snow. When we got home from picking him up from work, Cynthia wanted to play outside and the side walks needed to be shoveled. So I got Ben to do it. Cynthia was more than happy to help.
Cynthia helping Ben shovel.
Walking were no man has walked before!
I was in charge of putting the salt out. Here Cynthia is playing in the salt.
Happiness is helping Dad!
Update Overload
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Snow Day!
Posted by The Ames Family at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Baby Car-Car
Monday's and Friday's I watch our neighbours little boy, Carson. Cynthia loves little Carson to bits and pieces and always want to help. She calls him Car-Car or Baby Car-Car. It is so cute.
Ben, Cynthia and Carson. Ben and Carson were napping and then Cynthia woke up from her nap and wanted to join them.
Cynthia holding Carson and giving him his binkie.
Cynthia trying to get Carson's attention.
Cynthia going in to give him kisses.
The chair Carson is sitting in has some setting. Cynthia loves to change the setting for Carson.
Cynthia trying to get Carson to take his binkie. She still uses the green hospital binkie (and wont give it up). It has a little thing that sticks out on the back of it and Ben and I always steal it out of her month or something like that. That is what she is trying to do with Carson. But his binkie is a Nuk so it does not work.
Posted by The Ames Family at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Random Cuteness Of Cynthia
Just random cuteness of the cutest! She loves to dress up, because that means she gets to go outside.
Posted by The Ames Family at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Christmas Decor
I enjoy to decorate every now and again. I would love to decorate all the time if there was decorating money in the budget, but that will happen - all in good time. Cynthia decorated the tree this year. I believe that it is better to have a good time with the family than to have a 'perfect' tree. Cynthia had such a blast putting the balls on the tree that I don't have the heart to hang them. Here are some of the Christmas decor that we did this year.
The tree! (I can't seem to turn it - stupid library computer!) Aren't Cynthia decorating skills so cute?
Our living room window. I hung some coloured lights and snow flakes in the window. It looks super cool from the other side. I did not want to go outside in the cold, so this is what you get. There is also red and silver tinsel on the windowsill mixed in with the coloured lights.
Our entertainment center. We got the stocking hanger things at the dollar store. I think that they are so cute. The Train is Ben's, the Snowman is Cynthia's and I get the sleigh of toys. There are also coloured lights in and around the tinsel on top. Part of them flash.
My first Christmas while dating Ben, his parents gave me a snowman for a present. The purple and white one on the right. The Christmas before Cynthia was born Cindy from the LDS BC gave me a snowman, the on with his arms out on the left. This year when getting the snowmen out, we had to go and find a snowman for Cynthia. Since the one looks like 'Mommy' and the other 'Daddy.' At the dollar store we found the cute one in the back for Cynthia. It has flowers on the bottom of it.
An up close picture of the way Cynthia decorated the tree - in ball clusters!
Cynthia decorating the tree - and what fun did she have!
Posted by The Ames Family at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Ben's Birthday
Ben's birthday was a fun day. In the morning he (and Cynthia) opened his present, which was a red long sleeve shirt (which was to big, so he returned it and got some work socks) and the new TSO CD. He has been listening to his new CD ever since. In the evening we had some friends come over for cake and ice cream. I borrowed a friends ice cream maker and made Ben some coconut blue berry ice cream which was so delicious.
Ben's birthday cake was a coconut red velvet, which he loved!
The three little penguins are Cynthia, Ben and me. Cynthia is the little one playing on the ice. Ben and I are watching her. I am the short fat one. If you notice the white marks on the penguins. You will notice the different between male and female. I had a little to much fun making them and everything on the cake is eatable.
Thanks to everyone that came! You really helped make it a wonderful day.
Posted by The Ames Family at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Cynthia loves balloons. For Ben’s birthday I found a couple of balloons in a box and decided to blow them up. Cynthia had the best time in the whole world! She would try to hold all 6 of them, or something funny. While playing with the balloons and having such crazy hair, she become a ball of static. It was so funny. You stick a balloon to her back and she spins and spins until she got it off. Who needs a puppy when you have a toddler?
Posted by The Ames Family at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Cracking Nuts
Cynthia trying to do it all by herself.
Posted by The Ames Family at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Cakes For Sale
Because of this wonderful winter snow we are having, Ben has not been to work lately. Making our bills have just gotten harder. So I have decided that I want to try and sell some cool, fancy cakes to help our income situation. If anyone is interested in buying a cake, please let me know. You can email me at malchicken@gmail.com. Thanks!
Posted by The Ames Family at 5:42 PM 0 comments
Computer Problems
Saturday night my computer died. We are not sure what happened, it just peeled over and died. (Well maybe not that visually, but that is what is feels like! So on Sunday we take it over to a neighbour who tells us that either our motherboard or CPU has fried itself. You can't see any burn marks or smell any smoke. I felt that he diagnosed the problem way to quickly and so I called my trusty computer friend, Micheal (should have called him first!). He thinks that my RAM has just died - I like that problem better, it is cheaper to fix. Micheal can only come around to bring life back to my computer on Friday, he is writing his finals this week. So until my computer is fixed, I have to use the computer at the library. Thus making it a little difficult to post on the blog. Lets just hold fingers that only my RAM is the problem and that we can fix it on Friday!
Posted by The Ames Family at 5:35 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
This just a quick video of Cynthia playing around at lunch. She would bounce from on person to the next.
Thanks for a great Thanksgiving!
Friday night, Layne came up for dinner. Ben's work gave him a ham, so we cooked it up and I tried my hand at making fried/roasted potatoes - the way my mom makes them. They were a success and tasted so good. Cynthia followed Layne around. If he went to the bathroom, she waited outside the door. It he was on the computer, then she was on his lap. I think Layne has made a friend for life!
Posted by The Ames Family at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Just Plain Cynthia
Cynthia is a true one of a kind little character. She has her own agenda and her own way of doing things. Tonight while I was at my final cake class Cynthia and Ben had a little fun. The story goes as follows:
Cynthia finds a pair of my pink socks all folded up. She unfolds the socks and promptly puts them on her feet. Ben and Cynthia play around, kicking the soccer ball, putting daddy's socks on over mommy's socks and a few other things. Next thing she runs over to the back door - where I left my slippers - and puts them on her feet. (She loves to where my shoes!) Then she is back chasing the soccer ball - slippers and all! Here is a little video clip that Ben took of Cynthia and her shoe agenda. If things don't work out she throws them away and then goes back and tries again - notice her throw the slipper away. This is Cynthia being herself!
Posted by The Ames Family at 9:11 PM 1 comments
Cake Decorating Class 1 Week 4 - Final
Thanks Layne for this wonderful birthday present.
Posted by The Ames Family at 8:54 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Black and White
Posted by The Ames Family at 6:28 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cake Decorating Class 1 Week 3
Posted by The Ames Family at 7:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Best Husband in the WHOLE World!

Thanks Honey!
Posted by The Ames Family at 8:07 AM 2 comments
Cushion Fun
Posted by The Ames Family at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Snow Angel
Cynthia's snow angel
I wanted to get a video of how we made the angels, but Cynthia decided that she was done. But you can the basic idea of the fun we had.
Posted by The Ames Family at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Snow is Falling
When Cynthia woke up from her nap at 11am this morning I promptly got her dressed to go and play in the snow. At first she was a little unsure about what this white stuff was falling from the sky. After a few minutes of being in it she was having a blast. She would run around and look at her foot prints. Once we were all nicely 'chilled' we went back inside to warm up. Once Cynthia had finished her lunch, she was gathering her warm clothes to go back outside.
Posted by The Ames Family at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Killer Geese
Here is a video that Ben took of the geese. Part of the video, the sun on the water makes a glare in the camera, but you can still see the point. Check out how many there are. And that does not even show you half of them.
Posted by The Ames Family at 10:52 AM 1 comments
Cake Decorating Class 1 Week 2
Posted by The Ames Family at 10:28 AM 1 comments