Update Overload
I update the blog with everything that has happened this month that I was a slacker at. So you will have to click 'older posts' to view everything.
No it is not a wedding cake, it is not perfect enough. I wanted to learn how to use fondant so that when I did Cynthia's cake I knew what I was doing. So this was my trail run. Don't laugh at the ribbon things that hang on the sides. I was playing with different ways to do them and different lengths. That is why they are uneven. If anyone needs a simple and cheap cake, give me a call. I am sure that I can make it for you.
The back
On Saturday little Cynthia turned one! It was a great day. I had everything planned out and the big surprise of it all was the fact that everything went off without a hitch - on that day only!
We started the day with a trip through the Draper Temple. It was an open house. Layne came up from Provo and brought Katherine with him. So it was the five of us. Cynthia made a friend in the Temple. She would talk with the other little girl every time they passed each other on the tour. It was funny to hear them 'chatting' to each other. It was a rainy day so we got no pictures outside with the Temple in the background like I wanted. But here we are waiting for the bus.
Layne and Katherine

Ben, Cynthia, Me and Layne

All five of us

Layne and Cynthia

Layne took this picture on the bus going back to our car of the Temple. It is very pretty!
After the Temple we all went to Build-A-Bear to get Cynthia a Teddy Bear. It was her birthday present from her Great Granny. I figured that since she was having a Teddy Bear's Picnic for her party, she should have something cool to 'remember' it by. And a Teddy is the perfect way.

At Build-A-Bear you get to put a heart in your bear. Cynthia could not choose between a red heart and a red checker heart so she got to put both of them in the bear.

Once the bear is stuffed, you take it to get fluffed. You brush all the lint off it bear in a 'bath' area. Cynthia got to sit in the bath and brush her teddy.

Cynthia loves to hug her teddys and dolls. Here is Ben and Cynthia waiting to pay for her Teddy.
Once we were done at Build-A-Bear Layne and Katherine went back to Provo and Cynthia went home for her nap. While Cynthia was napping, Ben and I got ready for her party.
At 4pm Grandma Cindy, the Miner family and the Stevens Family arrived to help celebrate Cynthia's birthday. Cynthia had so much fun playing with her new friends. I am just grateful that Gavin did not get to mad at Cynthia.
Here is Cynthia playing with Gavin
Here is Cynthia playing with Gavin again and going to say hello to Hannah

Gavin really enjoyed the balloons. He got to ride on them.

This is cute little Gavin. I tried to get a nice picture of Hannah, but every time I took one she moved away. So there were no cute ones sadly.
Cynthia decided that it was time to open her presents and crawled over to where they were and started to play with them. Here she is opening one of her new toys.

When I was younger I remember getting my picture taken next to my cake. So here is Cynthia next to her cake - lets keep the tradition alive!

Cynthia was very interested in the flame. So she tried to stick her finger in it. This picture looks like her finger is in the flame but it was not. Ben was able to blow it out just a split second before her finger got to the flame.

Cynthia got the white bear all to herself. She had so much fun picking at the icing.

Look at how much fun was had! The icing is all over her face. She never got down to the cake until we cut an ear off and gave it to her to eat.

Here is Grandma Cindy with little Cynthia.
Cynthia's presents:
Grandma Cindy - A cute little outfit
Sudhir and Bindu - A cute little dress
The Miner Family - Shapes that you push through the whole of the same shape
The Stevens Family - Books
The Cockcroft - Hair clips, a baby doll and bottles for the baby doll.
Great Granny - A teddy bear
The Ames Family - A teddy bear backpack
Ben and I - Peek-A-Boo pop up toy, wood building blocks
A great day was had by all! I would like to thank all of those who support Cynthia on her very special day! Your friendship is greatly appreciated!
For Cynthia's birthday we are having a Teddy Bears Picnic. I found this really cute Teddy Bear cake mold and now I need help deciding how to decorate it. Here are three samples:
1. A Normal Teddy Bear
2. A black/brown bear

3. A white bear
Those are the three that Ben and I made together this last weekend. Let me know which one you like best or if you have some other ideas. I would love your opinions.
Cynthia loves to climb. It is her new challenge in life. Yesterday we were at the Business College visiting Grandma Cindy and Cynthia climbed (I mean held the bars on the side of the stairs and 'walked' up) one flight of stairs giggling all the way up! So this is my little monster in the middle of her high chair. Sometimes she asks us for our hand so she can step out of the the middle when she is done, or she just goes head first and hopes for the best.

We found a couple of toy cars that Ben and I got when we were still dating. Cynthia loves to play with them. She will carry them around the house with her and everything. Here are some games that Ben enjoys playing with her around the kitchen.
Piggie (Cynthia) in the middle
Catch the car!
Cynthia took Ben for a walk the other day! It was just so cute to watch them walk about the place. Now that Cynthia is 100% more confident about her walking she will motion for our hand and walk us around the place just holding onto one of our fingers.
Is this not the cutest little picture of the two of them?
Cynthia is a very helpful little lady! She is always trying to get in on the action and put her 2 cents in. This is Cynthia helping Dad do her laundry. She would pick her clothes up and then through them down.

Here is a little video of Cynthia putting her pink blanket into the wash. Then Ben takes over.
Lately Cynthia feels the need to get into my kitchen drawers. As if the pots cupboard is not enough. This is her new favourite drawer. It is the one where you keep all your measuring cups and wooden spoons in, you know those kind of things. The drawer is above her head so she is always reaching for it. I tried to get her interested in the one below with all the kitchen towels in it but she could not be bothered about it. So now I am always looking for something I need out of that drawer.

Look at me reach! I only get about 3 inches into the drawer!

This is what I look like from the top. I love to play with the wooden spoons! They make so much noise when I hit them on things!
This is a video of me getting things out of the drawer and walking.
And this is one of my excitement with my spoon! I am also dancing to music! I can so so much all at one!