If you remember a couple of months ago I posted an entry letting everyone know that my little bundle of joy has an egg allergy. Well we can now add chicken to the list. The month of February has been a very rough month for little Cynthia. On the first she work up coughing up a storm and we soon found out that she had RSV. After two weeks she starts acting like her normal self again, but still has a cough. Another week goes by and the cough clears up, only to wake up a few days later with a cough, again, and a super runny nose. A week later, she still has a runny nose - it has running so badly that every know and again it bleeds, and a cough. Lets now mention that her sleeping pattern has also changed. She wakes up 2 -4 times a night and only wants Ben to get her. Ben is not enjoying that part. He wants his sleep. If I go in and see her, it makes to 10 times as mad as she was to start with.
So for the whole month she has been fighting off some bad bugs. To make things worse, I felt that she was ready to have meat in her diet. So Wednesday night we fed her chicken and sweet potatoes. Thursday lunch time she brought part of her lunch back up, Friday morning she brought her breakfast back up, and let me tell you, she loves her breakfast so it means something if she brings it back up. She has had a bad fever, on and off, of about 101.8 F. Then to put the cherry on the cake, after her nap this evening, she woke up with a rash covering most of her face, her back, butt, chest, well everywhere except her arms and legs. Poor little Cynthia. This month was a tough one for her. Lets just hope that March will bring her better luck and health.
Update Overload
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Allergy Number 2
Posted by The Ames Family at 11:05 PM 1 comments
Story Telling
Cynthia is a very chatty little girl. But every time we call someone for her to chat with, she stops talking. Today at lunch I was able to get her to tell a story and wave goodbye at the end. She is just the cutest little one. She will tell you exactly how it is and how she feels about it. This is our usual lunch time. She chats, plays, pulls funny faces, shakes her head (now nods as well). She is just a little character.
Posted by The Ames Family at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Yes... No...!
At lunch today Cynthia learnt to nod her head. She knows and understands the head shake, but has not got the nod down. Until today! I don't think that she fully understands what the nod means. I got her nodding and shaking on video and thought that the nod was so cute. It is still unrefined so it is all over the place. Once she got the nod down, she kept doing it and would hit her head on the spoon of sweet potatoes/peaches and get the food on her forehead and eye lids. When she got the food on the head she would close her eyes so hard that it would look like a bunch of little wrinkles where her eyes should be.
Since Ben has been working, I have been trying to teach Cynthia how to wave hello and goodbye. She has does not understand the hello wave yet, but she has got the goodbye wave down. It was so cute to see her develop her wave. Now she has got her wave down, there is no changing it yet. She stretches her arm as high in the air as it will go and just moves her hand up and down. Kind of like how the apes in the zoo wave. I call it her monkey wave. I tried to get it on camera, but she would not do it for me. Maybe next time. She did do a little wave, so you can see it.
Posted by The Ames Family at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
What Ya Think of My New Look?
Jessica had to cut my hair before she could dye it due to the nature of the cut and the length of my hair. It would have been a waste to dye my foot and half length hair and then cut it off. Here are the long pieces of my hair all over the floor. We were trying to figure out what animal got shaved.
The styling
Step Five:
The finished hair product! Honestly when I first looked into the mirror, I was shocked and taken back. I was not sure who this person was in front of me and I was not sure if I liked it. A few moments later, I went back to look at it. With no pressure. I then realized that I loved it. I think that it is fun and cool. I can wear it straight, flipped out or in or I can curl it. If I part my hair in a different way, you don't see any colour at all as well. So I have like 10 different styles all in one hair cut. I think that is really cool.
Posted by The Ames Family at 9:41 PM 5 comments
Cynthia's New Talent
Today we went over to the house of the lady whose kids I babysit. She is going to cosmetology school. She said that she wants to look after her babysitter so she will cut and colour my families hair for free. I have been dieing to get my hair cut and coloured for a few weeks now. While we were there, Cynthia found the piano. And did she have some fun learning to play. I have edited all the video's that we took so there is only one video with at the piano. Does she not just look like a natural?
Posted by The Ames Family at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Little Helper
Cynthia loves to help with anything that is happening. I baby sit two little kids three mornings a week. One of the kids is 6 months and the other is 2 years. The 6 month little girl was crying in the room instead of napping, and Cynthia walked over to the door of the room and started crying as well to get my attention and tell me that I needed to go and see what is wrong with the little one. She is such a little sympathetic girl. She wants everyone to be happy. Well Ben was changing the laundry out and Cynthia had to help. She walked over to Ben, pushed her way to the dryer door and started to unload the dryer all by herself. If she keeps this up she is going to make one lucky man very happy! (Never mind making me happy with her helping around the house!)
Posted by The Ames Family at 8:11 PM 0 comments
The Next Betty Crocker
Mixing the butter into the flour mixture.
Posted by The Ames Family at 7:44 PM 0 comments
The Flour Mash
Posted by The Ames Family at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Photo Shoot

Posted by The Ames Family at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Climbing Off The Couch!
Cynthia learnt a new trick today. It is called 'Getting off the couch without landing on my head.' Cynthia can now not only climb onto the couch, but climb off the couch without getting hurt. Sadly, we cannot keep her in one place anymore.
Cynthia = Free Spirit!
Posted by The Ames Family at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Heart's Day!
Posted by The Ames Family at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Moo Cow Moo
Posted by The Ames Family at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sunday, 1 February, Cynthia woke up coughing like crazy. She had a runny nose and looked like she felt miserable. Since Ben and I are Sunbeam teachers at church, we decided to stay at home, so no one else got sick. The cough got worse and she was just one up-happy baby. The following Thursday we took her to the doctor to get checked out. The doctor told us that it sounded like she had RSV, she could run a test and be sure, but there was nothing that the doctor could give up to help. So it would really just be a test that never needed to be done. All we could do was keep her comfortable, and feed her as much liquid as she will take. We went back home to try and make the Princess feel better. She was not herself at all. She would not smile or giggle. She just wanted to cuddle all the time, and if you know Cynthia, you know that she does not cuddle at all. On one of her up moments, she played a little with her toys. She climbed into her toy basket and pulled the toys out on by one from underneath her. She did get stuck in the basket when she tried to come out. And that was the end of her happy moment.
As of today, she still has a cough and little runny nose. She is feeling much better. She plays and giggles. She is back to wonderful self. The Doctor told us that it would last about 5 -7 days, but the cough could take anywhere up to 3 weeks to go away. Well it took 10 days for my little bundle of joy to come back to her normal self.
Posted by The Ames Family at 11:19 AM 1 comments
Picture Update!
Posted by The Ames Family at 10:42 AM 0 comments