Update Overload
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Free Hogle Zoo!
Posted by The Ames Family at 2:47 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Driving, Sprinkler and So Much Fun!
Cynthia loved the Barbie car. She kept climbing into it. Later Ben showed the little 'gas' pedal and she was off. She still needs to learn how to steer though.
After learning where the go button was, she was off! Later on she started to wave as she went. Still no luck with the steering! She loved to fun across the trampoline. Sometime she would stop and bounce a bit then she would be off again.
Running around the with water sprayer.
Trying to figure out the sprinkler. No matter where she stood the water always seemed to get her. She did try to catch it.
Summer and Cynthia playing int he Barbie car together.
Once the Barbie car lost its interest, she tried to figure out the bike. To bad that she was on it the wrong way!
Thank you Autumn for letting us join you! It was a fun time!
Posted by The Ames Family at 9:52 AM 1 comments
A Day In The Kitchen
Yesterday afternoon she was helping me make potato soup. She got a little bored while I cut things up, so she went over to the choc chip cookies. She took one out, licked it, bit it and put it on the counter. Then she took the next one out and proceeded to do the same. She did this with the three cookies that were left. There was just a small piece of a fourth cookie and then pooped that one into her mouth. It was big enough to fill her little mouth. Then she picked the remaining three up and wanted to bring them to stove - either to put in the soup or to have them help cook. I had to take them away and wash her hands. Because any way you look at it - choc chip cookies in potato soup does not sound tasty.
Cynthia with her three choc chip cookies. Notice that her mouth is a little funny!
I use veggie broth in the soup - its the vegan way so Ben and eat it. Cynthia had the best time ever playing with the empty carton. She kept opening and closing the lid, then she would try and drink it. It was so cute.
Posted by The Ames Family at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Posted by The Ames Family at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Corn on the Cob
Posted by The Ames Family at 11:19 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Latest Owie
Posted by The Ames Family at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Exercise the Fun Way!
Posted by The Ames Family at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Lagoon Day!

Posted by The Ames Family at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Chef Cynthia
Posted by The Ames Family at 6:10 PM 2 comments
Cynthia and the Vacuum
I usually try to only vacuum when Ben gets home from work so that he can entertain Cynthia in her bedroom and I can vacuum in peace. Today I decided to just do it and see what happens. Cynthia would not go near the vacuum when I first brought it out. I thought it was funny the way the would walk around it and keep her distance so I had to video it. One day when she is old enough, this is going to be so funny! By the time I was done vacuuming, she was petting it like it was her friend.
Posted by The Ames Family at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Copycat Cynthia
Posted by The Ames Family at 12:53 PM 1 comments
Baking a Cake
Posted by The Ames Family at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Stake Fair Day!
We first had a BBQ dinner, then we went for a candy floss dessert. Cynthia was not impressed with it at all. She would not eat it or even touch it. She loves sweet things so we thought that that is was a little strange. Then we found out that some of our friends kids never liked it either. Maybe it is something that we grow to love.
Ben then took Cynthia down the very big blow up slide. She loved it. I took her down once and Ben took her down twice. All times she laughed and giggled and had a huge smile on her face!
She also got to through bean bags into some hoops. She missed every one, well she never got close to anything besides her feet. So she got to pick one up and take it over to the guy who was looking after the booth. Then she got a sweet.
Posted by The Ames Family at 12:07 PM 0 comments
24th of July: Parade and Home Fireworks
Posted by The Ames Family at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Welcome Home Pridays!
Posted by The Ames Family at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Cynthia's Owie Update!
Posted by The Ames Family at 11:20 AM 0 comments