Update Overload
I update the blog with everything that has happened this month that I was a slacker at. So you will have to click 'older posts' to view everything.
Learning to be a little gymnast and a young age!
The other day Cynthia and I were cooking dinner, when she climbed down from her little ladder and got her teddy bear and brought him to cook dinner with us. She showed him how she stirs the pot and how she tastes the food. It was so cute. Who needs a play cooking set when they can really cook every night with mom?

On Sunday we were all invited up to join the Probst family for a BBQ. It was great to see Burkley again and meet his family. Here are some pictures - there were a lot more people there than in the pictures, we were just the last to leave.

Saturday night our ward had a BBQ so we decided to go. It was great to hang out chat to friends. Cynthia did not like the dinner that Ben and I dished up for her, so she decided to eat a M&M cookie instead. The funny thing was, she picked the M&M's out of the top and ate them - left the rest of the cookie. Funny Girl!
Cynthia and the mess on the table hen she was done.

The mess on her face. She is also showing you the mess on her hands, but she moves faster than the camera can take the picture.
Cynthia and I had a super great time at the zoo on Thursday. Only part of the zoo was open but there were more than enough animals to keep us entertained for a bit. The first cage we came to was the Big Horn Sheep. I was showing one of them to Cynthia and could not figure out why there was only one in the cage. Then I noticed the other one watching from its little hiding place. I thought it was funny.
Cynthia really loved the animals that were big enough to see that was not behind bush and glass. The big cats - did not care for. Giraffes - loved. She also loved the red panda, the squirrel, the cougar, the little black-footed cat (I think it is her favourite) and some of the monkeys.
Spot the Big Horn Sheep.

The Squirrel

Mr Red Panda eating his apple.
(It could be Mrs - I don't know)

The big black bear playing in the water. We had a great time watching him/her play.

The Gibbon watching us from the top of his cage. It kinda felt disturbing.

The Black-Footed Cat - it looks so cute and cuddly!

The only exhibit that Cynthia would not leave. She climbed out of my arms and kept taking to the little cat.

The best shot that I could get of her without her running away.
Ouma, Ben thought that you would just love this little video! Dinner time has gotten so much messier lately.
The other night I made some scones. I asked Ben to grease a muffin pan for me while I finished mixing the batter. Cynthia wanted to help. Ben put a little bit of Crisco in each muffin hole and Cynthia took some of it out then rubbed it onto her face like war paint. She did the same thing with her Spaghetti O lunch today.

Ben did not have to work today, so we decided to have some fun. For the last few weeks he has been working 6 days a week. Today was the only day that we have really been able to do something. We had plan to drive out to Antelope Island, but discovered that you needed pay to get in. So not only did you have to drive 1 hour, but you still had to pay. We decided to stay closer to home. To help 'bribe' me to finish my drivers, Ben said that once I completed it we could go to the water park that is just down the road. Lets just say that it was fun but not what I expected. I wanted to get a picture of Cynthia in her little life jacket, but it was so cold that we forgot about it when we got out. After lunch we went up to the planetarium in Salt Lake. You can walk around for free, only the shows cost money. It was great fun.
Walking on Mars

Ben and Cynthia playing weather man/girl

They had this little lever that you could spin and it would light up some light bulbs. The first bulb was 25 watt normal light bulb (the hardest one to light up), the second was a energy saver 25 watt bulb (kinda easy) and the third was a 1.5 watt LED bulb (which was super easy and shone the brightest).
Here is this months free movie code: T46T3Q7.
It expires midnight tonight. Enjoy the movie!
Cynthia's newest thing to do is spin. She loves it. Circles around the room, circles in small areas or circles on the spot, it doesn't matter they are all so much fun! The other day she was playing with my hand bag and then began to turn circles all over the kitchen. She starts out just in a little area then slowly moves everything out of the way so the middle of the kitchen is empty and then she is off. She only does it in the kitchen for some bazaar reason. Today I was able to catch her on video. If you listen closely you can hear the funny noises that she makes the whole time. Then she stops and tries to walk or something and falls over or walks into things. She really is extremely entertaining!
The latest thing that Cynthia is doing in her crib is lifting the mattress and picking at it. She has picked most of the plastic on the pad and the set of instructions glued to the wooden bottom. She is a picker, just like her Father! This morning was the funniest. I went in to get her for breakfast with Dad and family prayers and this is what I found:
Her binkie was on the floor and her blanket and stuffed Koala bear, Co-Co, was under the mattress with her. WOW is all I can really say!
Last night Ben made some peach cobbler with Cynthia. First he washed the peaches, cut off icky parts of the peach and gave them to Cynthia. Then Cynthia put them in a bowl. Once in the bowl, she picked a peach, took a couple bits and put it back. She proceeded to do that wit most of the peaches. All I could do was laugh. Because when I make dinner she has to taste test the onions that I cut up. Yes she eats raw onions and loves them!

The other day at Walmart we found some magnetic letters for $1 so we thought that Cynthia would love them. Well she does love them! But now I feel like I have officially crossed the line into child friendly fridges.
The other day Cynthia and I had a play date at Wheeler Farm with some friends. When we got there a lady with a few loaves of bread come up to us and asked if we wanted to feed the geese. So off we went to feed to geese. They were super friendly. They would come up to you and take the bread right out of your hand. To make Cynthia feel a little safer (since they are as big as her) I put her on a table. She had so much fun. Look at how close that one goose is to her. We saw some lady picking one up and it was snuggling into her neck.
We kept the big box that our computer came in because Cynthia had so much fun playing in it. It is a year later, and the box is still so much fun. Last night Ben decided to join Cynthia in her little hide out and she had so much fun with him there.

That is my shopping list in her hand. She was making me little love notes all over it.