Update Overload
Friday, January 29, 2010
Cynthia Moments
Posted by The Ames Family at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Funny Juggler
Posted by The Ames Family at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
OCD in the Making
On another note about Cynthia and OCD. A few weeks ago we were at McDonald's. Cynthia took a bunch of serviettes and started to unfold them and place them one next to another on the table. Once she had successfully smoothed and straighten, she arranged fries on the serviettes evenly spaced parallel to each other. It was very interesting to watch.
A friend was telling us that his wife helps to teach their kids colours and shapes in toys by cleaning them up in colours or shapes. For example: all orange toys first or all squares first. I thought that would be a good idea for Cynthia. Then Ben reminded me that we might be feeding her OCD if we do it that way.
Posted by The Ames Family at 8:40 PM 1 comments
Window Cling-Ons
Posted by The Ames Family at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Playing with Carson
Posted by The Ames Family at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Guess Who Is Two?
The Cockcrofts – Little People Fairy Tree house
Oupa – bowling set
Cindy and George – a cute dress, window stickers and a cash register
Sudhir and Bindu – a See ‘n Say and a ‘I love hugs’ shirt
Ben and I – a cute little dress, colour-in book, puzzles and board books
Playing with her cash register (gift from George and Cindy). It has a play microphone on it and Cynthia gets so close to talk into it that it goes in her month. It is funny to watch her play.
Cynthia had so much fun. She would open a present, play with it for a few minutes, then go and open the next present. That way she got to play with everything. So loved her new toys and kept mixing and matching them.
Blowing out her candles. Ben has been training Cynthia for the past couple of months to blow out candles. Today all his hard work paid off.
Posted by The Ames Family at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Birthday Cake
Posted by The Ames Family at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Christmas/Birthday at Chili's
Posted by The Ames Family at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Little Rodeo
Cynthia loves to play on my exercises ball. She jumps around like she is practising for the rodeo. Here is a quick video of her playing around on the ball, you can also see her jump around. It is the best toy that mom could ever give her kid!
PS. Please let me know if the video does not play. I am having a hard time getting it to play, but it says that it has loaded, so it might just be my computer being strange.
Posted by The Ames Family at 9:38 PM 2 comments
Family Photo
Before we were all dressed and ready, Cynthia helped me get the camera in the right position and get all the lighting correct. This was just a random picture that I took of her, but once we zoomed up onto it... well WOW is all I can say. Her face looks so airbrushed. Cynthia truly has perfect skin and features. I really am going to worry when she is old enough to date.
Posted by The Ames Family at 9:28 PM 1 comments
3 1/2 Weeks
Cynthia learnt how to climb out of her crib without hurting herself. So we had to get rid of the crib since it was not holding her in any more. This last weekend we packed up her crib and put out a foam mattress for her to sleep on. Let’s just say she is having a very hard time adjusting to the new sleeping arrangements and spends most of her time banging and crying against her door. She also sleeps there. Not sure what we are going to do about that one.
As of January 12, 2010 I am a resident of the United States. YAY for me! Now if only I can find a job that allows me to work nights so I can stay at home with Cyndie Kim all day. Any one know of anything like that? Anything will help.
Around Christmas time we got a positive confirmation that I was pregnant. We had our suspicions since I was already 2 weeks late on my period. Then around New Years, I started to spot really badly. We called the doctor who ordered blood tests. According to dates I was supposed to be about 6/7 weeks along but according to my HCG levels I was only about two or three weeks along. Since my HCG levels and my dates never added up, the doctor could not do an ultrasound to see if there were any problems. So she ordered more blood tests. The second round of HCG levels went up more than 50% so the doctor was happy about that. But it was still not enough. So more tests were ordered. My HCG levels never went up as much as the doctor wanted and the spotting had gotten worse. She decided this was a non-viable etopic pregnancy and sent me to the cancer center for a methotrexate shot (for those of you who would like more info about an etopic pregnancy or methotrexate click on the words for links to information). The nurse at the cancer center told me that this was classified as an emergency since they did not know where cells were growing. I spent the weekend in discomfort, since I had two shots (one in each hip) that did strange things to my body. The following week was companied by cramps, sharp pains and other cool things like that on my left side (personally I think that it was an etopic pregnancy in my left tube, mainly because that is where it hurts). After three more blood tests to monitor my liver – make sure it can handle the methotrexate – and to make sure that HCG levels are decreasing, my doctor informs me that I have to keep going for blood tests until my HCG levels are in the negative and that for the next few weeks I am still in danger of having an etopic pregnancy in a tube or somewhere else so I need to be very careful and watch for all the warning signs.
Apart from the above mentioned happenings, Christmas was good. Cynthia had a great time playing with her new toys. Ben and I got her 4 little animals – elephant, giraffe, zebra and lion – she play pretends with them and when you ask her want sound they make they all make a deep back of the throat growl. It is rather cute. I put together a recipe book for Ben with all the recipes that we use – he really likes it. And my favourite present was a 3-in-1 waffle, snackwhich and grill. It comes in handy all the time.
Posted by The Ames Family at 3:41 PM 2 comments