Update Overload
I update the blog with everything that has happened this month that I was a slacker at. So you will have to click 'older posts' to view everything.
After Cyndi fell of her bike (and we untangled her legs from it) she got back up and did it all over again - she had to show Dad and Ouma what happened.
The only difference this time is that the bike never moved.
Cyndi's attention span is fairly short, but lately if you put a very interesting cartoon on, she will sit and watch it for about 30 minutes - which is very impressing for her. The other day I came home to find Ben, Cyndi and Mischief watching The Incredibles. I thought it was way to cute to miss.
The wonderful family that I have came for a 30 second visit this afternoon and left a present for Cyndi. Rory came by to drop off a little bike for Cyndi to ride. She has been attacked to the thing ever since it arrived. Thanks for the great gift!

About 2 seconds before she falls. I was trying to get her to smile for the camera and accidentally blew a raspberry. Cyndi loves to blow them, so she turned around to Marius and blew a really big one and fell over. It was funny.
Just after the bike arrived - learning how to ride it.
Today I had to say good bye to a childhood best friend and confidant! We took Alley to see the vet today because we were worried about his behaviour and what not. Things did not look very good. After they ran some tests the Vet was convinced that he had cancer. So the best thing for him (not necessary for our emotions) was to let him go before he started to suffer to much. At 7:15pm tonight I held his little paw and told him that I love him and would miss him as he fell asleep.

Natural beauty!

Good bye old friend, you were truly the best. You were always by my side growing up and never let me down. Thank you for holding on long enough to say goodbye!
I love you and you will be greatly missed!
This morning Cyndi had so much fun blowing her grapes across the table. You can also listen to her talk. This is how she talks most of the day. She uses more words then what we have on this video but she is very talkative.
Cyndi got into the cupboards earlier this week. She found my mini loaf pans. Then proceeded to 'ice skate' with them. Such a creative mind!

A short video of her 'ice skating'
Cyndi modeling Ben's hard and and safety glasses. Such a cute little girl!
Ben bought me a new pair of shoes this last week. They were for two things: 1 - March 15 is the day he proposed to me and 2 - to help complete my new outfit for my first day of work. Cyndi thought they were for her!

Trying them on

Wearing them. She walked around in them for a while. It was rather cute!
Way back in January we watch Julie and Julia - such a cute movie for those of you who have not seen it! Well as most of you know, Ben has food allergies. So I am also looking for something new to make for him. Well after watching that movie I decided that I wanted to try the boeuf bourguignon recipe since it looked like it was Ben friendly. This weekend I got to do it. So much work but worth it. I think that it is going on my monthly menu.

The final dish - after about 4 hours of work

The dinner table - I kind of went up and beyond. I figured since I was making a fancy meal, I should do something fancy. So I pulled out the serviettes that mom brought from Africa and made them into fans. Then we got sparkling grape cider and used our flute glasses. It was a great meal! So tasty.

Ben wanted a picture with the wine bottle in it. The boeuf bourguignon called for a full-bodied young red wine, so we bought a 2007 Bordeaux.
Next time I make it I think I am going to think past the meal and find a fancy dessert to go with it.
Cyndi woke up the other morning with a little fountain coming out from the top of her head. We are not sure how she got it since she never has a pony that high. But it was rather cute!
Cyndi licking the bowl after Ben made rice crispy treats the other night. She made me tie her blankie around her like an apron.
Cyndi loves to help around the house. I did the laundry the other day and this is how she helped me:

The best little helper in the world!
(that is my skirt that she is 'wearing')
One of my friends asked me to make her sister a wedding cake for this weekend. Her colours are bight yellow, orange and red. She wanted bright, bold and different. I think I did a good job. Just don't ask me to point out my mistakes.

Ouma was cuddled on the couch reading up on Twilight and Cyndi decided that there was not enough attention given to her. So she went and got a book from her book shelf and brought it to Ouma to read with her.
On Monday Shared, Britney and the family came over a quick visit before heading back to Washington very early on Tuesday morning. While here they got Wendy's for lunch for everyone. Once everyone left Cyndi went back to her the fries and drink that she had left. A few minutes later I turn around to find this:

She had stuck a French fry shoved in with her straw.

Such a little goober!
Yesterday we were at the Dollar Store. As we walked around the shop Cyndi would pick up random things - nothing more than normal. But this time it was so cute! First we got the hat. Then after an isle or two I looked at her and noticed she had a purse and a pig. It was just adorable. So I got Ouma to take a picture of her. Such a priceless little character.
Cyndi truly is a picture perfect little girl. No air brush needed. Here are some pictures of her from the other day when she went playing in the park that is just around the corner from our apartment. You can't know just fall in love with this little one!

Cyndi saw all the big kids doing this the other day and she wanted to follow - with a little safety net from Ouma, of course!
Mischief loves to be outside. Since we live in a apartment community and on the third fall it is a little nerve racking to let him out. So we bought him a little kitty harness and leash. This is the first walk we took him on. He has become quite the master of walks now.
My Uncle came over this morning to visit with everyone. Half way through the visit it comes up that my little cousin is having his 4th birthday party tomorrow. Well, I could not pass up an opportunity to help make his day super special. So I made him a cake!

Ben helped out a lot because we were pushed for time. He molded a car out of rice crispy treats and cut out the black squares and put them on in a checker board pattern. Thanks Love, could not have completed it so quickly without your help. I also used my super cool checker board cake pan and made chocolate/vanilla cake so it kind of matches the outside pattern. I only realized that after I had put it all together.
Happy Birthday Jaden! I hope that you have a great party tomorrow.
About a month or say ago, my old ward asked me to make 3 cakes for their Relief Society birthday party on March 2. I was excited. This is my first cake gig for someone other than my family. I was hoping to hear from a job and start work today, so I made all the cakes yesterday.

First cake completed. Red Velvet Coconut with buttercream icing and roses. The 'RS' is made out of fondant and covered in glitter. The roses also have glitter on it. And yes, it is edible.

Cake two completed. Chocolate on Chocolate. It is a triple fudge chocolate cake with mini chocolate chips in the batter torte with chocolate pudding. It is covered with lilic fondant and fondant flowers. Once again everything except the purple ribbon is edible.

Final cake completed. It is the checkerboard pattern made with the triple fudge chocolate cake and starlight white cake layered with vanilla buttercream. The balls around the bottom are covered in edible glitter as well. The '168' is how old the RS is.
I am interested in which cake is your favourite. Mom and Marius go with the third cake and Ben likes the first cake.