Saturday we had a little party for Cyndi. Only the important and special Canadians came. Everyone else stood Cyndi up. Ouma and family sent a gift up for Cyndi which she loved. It was a pair of pants and a Tinkerbell fairy paper doll book. Cyndi had fun trying to pull the paper dolls out, sadly a bunch of them are broken, but she still had fun - that is what counts right? Ben and I got her two princess for her cake - she chose the little mermaid and Belle. Sadly she is not a Jasmine fan like me. Her favourite princess is the little mermaid. I caught her brushing her hair with a fork and calling it a 'dinggle-hooper.' Here are some pictures of the party.

Sam gave Cyndi a gift bag of fun. Stickers, princess accessories, Crayola Colour Explosion and a horse. Every princess needs a horse. Cyndi loved her presents. She had to make C 'pretty.' Sam helped of course! I was rather funny to watch the three of them together. Cyndi is smitten by Sam.

Cyndi made C 'pretty'

Princess Cyndi all spark-ly

The new favourite toy - horsy. It makes noises as well. Cyndi loves it!

The cake

The table. Ben and I were running late with dinner and C and Sam had not eaten yet, so we turned the cake party into dinner as well.

Candles all lit

Blowing out the candles

C proving just how much of the tower can fit into his mouth
Thanks C and Sam for helping to make this day special for Cyndi. She loved having you guys over. First thing she said on Sunday morning was: 'where is Friend?'