So I can't believe that this month has gone by so quickly. My little boy is already 1 month old. My oh my how quickly time does fly. On Friday we had little Damian's 1 month check up. He is 8lbs 11oz. Technically he has put on 1lb 6oz, but I like to say he put on 2lbs. When he was in the hospital he dropped down to 6lbs 110z, thus putting on 2lbs. He is a very good little eater, but sleeping could use some work. He can sleep for a good 4-5 hour stretch - if he wants to. Usually that stretch is from around 2pm-ish to 6pm-ish. Then again from 10pm-ish to around 3am-ish. He does not want to go back to sleep at 3am though. But all in all, he is fabulous and I want to keep him forever and ever!
Recovery has been easy and hard at the same time. Easy since I kind of know what to expect and hard because well, it was major abdominal surgery (as my dr and every other medical professional keeps telling me). Like everything there has been good days and bad days. And as I near the end of the 6 week recovery phase, there are more good days than bad. At the beginning I had about 7 different pills that I was taking for one thing or another, so I am not glad to say that I am back to my regular 3 plus one more. My doctor said that I lost more blood than expected during the c-section and then my hemoglobin levels were low already. I am now on iron pills to bring my hemoglobin levels back up.
My dad has been saying with us for the past few weeks. It has been great to have him around. He helps out a lot by playing with Cyndi or cuddling with Damian. It gives me a moment to do something other than feed Damian and chase Cyndi around.
We also had Damian's baby blessing at the beginning of August. More on that in a different post though.
Here are a bunch of pictures, in no order, of Damian in the past month:

Ben burping Damian in the middle of his feeding - he was not happy. He was chomping on his binki.

I love this picture. We have an ultrasound picture of him like this, so it is cool to see him do it out of my tummy.

Being silly at bath time. He loves his hair being washed, but as for the rest of him - its touch and go.

My cute little mole.

He loves to sleep on his tummy. So when he gets the opportunity - usually when he is on someone he is so cute!

More cute sleeping, this time on me.

We had out first official blowout. This one was awesome. He was sleeping on me and I got up to do something and when I moved the pillow out from under him, it was orange. My hand was already under his bum so I got a little worried. I cautiously took him to his change around and put him down. The picture above is what I found on him. I checked myself up and down and there was nothing on me. Not even my hand. Expecting to find a big mess in his diaper I was surprised to find there was NOTHING in his diaper. He is a talented little boy, that is for sure.

Damian tolerates his binki. He will only suck on it if you hold it in his mouth and then just before he falls asleep he will spit it out.

Snuggles with Oupa.

Bonding time with Oupa

Cyndi and Damian - she can be gentle sometimes.

Snuggled in Dad's arms. I love the way he is sleeping in the picture.