Update Overload
I update the blog with everything that has happened this month that I was a slacker at. So you will have to click 'older posts' to view everything.
Cyndi was playing one day at the laundromat. I love a 3 year olds creativeness to get themselves busy.
Damian and his little friend Peter sleeping during Sunday School.
Ben made my birthday cake for me. Cyndi helped him. It was a vegan Swiss chocolate with chocolate icing. The even more surprising thing is that he even liked it. We just made a giant step in the right chocolate direction! We forgot to take a picture of it before the candles. But this is the cake while Cyndi was de-candling it.
Cyndi helping feed Damian. I love the last picture.

He is trying so hard to get his food. Poor little boy!
Such a big little boy! Growing up so fast. *sniff, sniff*
Cyndi made lunch the other day.

Ben sent this to me while I was at work the other day. It was a series of 2 pictures. No babies were harmed in the making of this 2 pictures series:

Thank you Slave!
Cyndi has learnt how to use the step ladder in the kitchen. The other day Ben found her getting her breakfast all by herself. She has also gotten the brown sugar out of the cupboard above the stove as well. Our little girl is getting so big!

I saw this fun idea online a few weeks back and thought it would be fun to try. I don't each hot dogs so Ben and Cyndi were the genie pigs for this. I cut up some hot dogs, then I pushed some uncooked spaghetti through it and cooked it up. It was cool.

I love how Dique went to sleep. Such a cute little character.
Cyndi wanted to help feed Dique. Such a big little girl and a wonderful helper!
We got this cool little device that you twist through food items at the Utah State Fair. I don't know what you would call it, but it made some cool potatoes. Sadly half way through making twisty chips, it broke. Good thing that it was free.

Last night we had the ward Halloween party. It really was not that fun. It would have been better if they did a trunk or treat or something like that. I invited Rachel and her little girl, Chloe, up to join us in the the Halloween festivities. I made Cyndi and Chloe little fairy outfits. I think they are just darling. Cyndi = pink. Chloe = purple.

If anything comes near Dique's mouth he has to lick it. The softer and fluffier the wetter it gets. Last night Dique was licking Ben's arm.

Dique loves things on or almost covering his face when he sleeps. I love how he has brought this blanket up to his face. Such a cute little guy!
I was making Cyndi's Halloween outfit the other night and she wanted to help. So I gave her a needle and thread and some scrap material and she had fun threading it.
This week we had a visit from some friends. A roommate from college had a little girl 2 days before Damian was born. Sentry wanted to learn how to sew, so we had a great afternoon. Damian and Ali had a good time getting to know one another.

I love how they were holding arms. Ali started to lick Damian's arm and Damian just smiled. It was so cute.

Way back in the middle of September we went to the Utah State Fair. It was so much fun. I think I am going to plan a trip there every year from now on. We had done some research about that activities they had and we arrived just in time for Ausie Kingdom. Cyndi loved it. Damian slept through it. There is a farm in Denver, CO that has all sorts of Australian animals living there.

This is a sugar glider. It was so small and so cute!

After the show we were able to go and touch some of the animals. Cyndi loved it!
Then we went off to see the Sea Lions. About 5 minutes into the show it started to rain. It rained for a 30 minutes and then it was a nice day again.

After it stopped raining we walked around for a little, had some dinner and then headed off to save our seats for the rodeo. Everyone's first rodeo, except for Ben.

Damian enjoyed sleeping through everything. He woke up for food twice, but that was it.

At the start of the rodeo, 3 skydivers came down. They each had a flag attached to their backs. It was so cool.

After Damian had eaten a second time, he watched some of the rodeo.

Cyndi, Ouma and Marius watching the rodeo. Notice Cyndi could not stop watching the horses for a picture.

Bronc riding
Calf roping

Asleep again

Steer wrestling - enlarge the picture and you can see the cowboy half on his horse and holding the steer - its cool

They had all sorts of competitions. Its was crazy to see all of it. Here Cyndi is standing next to a very large pumpkin. Behind here were a few tables with best everything on it. All sorts of food products.

We found the bunny section. I was amazed at all the different kinds of bunnies there are. When we walked past this cage, Marius said: this morning there was only one bunny in the cage.
Love these bunnies. They are just so fluffy!

And this one is just so adorable. I love that face (below).

On our way out we went past the pony rides. Cyndi did not was to ride at first, but then got excited and we had to give her a ride. She now loves pony rides!