Update Overload
I update the blog with everything that has happened this month that I was a slacker at. So you will have to click 'older posts' to view everything.
Ben finally has a junk mail buddy. Dique enjoyed going through the junk mail with Ben the other night.
Dique has been working very hard on sitting up by himself. Within the next month I can see him sitting by himself. Here he is sitting on my rocker. Such a cute little man!
I noticed Cyndi putting all the groceries on top of herself while shopping one week. When I asked why she was doing that, she told me that she was cold.
Crazy kiddo!
I made turkey's with Cyndi this year. She loved it!

I made some more ribbon hair clips.
Pink Lady Bug:

Standing Butterfly:
Cyndi can do some very funny and creative things sometimes. The other day she turned the car on its front side and 'drove' baby around the house. Sadly I had to put stop to it when she tried to turn it into a slide.
Ben and I are starting to laugh about Dique and his fingers. We think that babies should come with a warning label: "Warning: Choking Hazard"

I was reading "What to expect the first year" the other night and it said that the 4 month old might protest if a toy was taken away. I decided to test it out. I gave Dique his dino and then gently took it from him. He did not complain. I let him play with it for a little bit and then gently took it away again. Still he did not complain. We did this a few times until he rolled on his side, pushed with his legs and clung onto dino with his back turned. Such a cute little monkey.

I love this face!

I made Ben pancakes the other day and thought I would have some fun with it. Cyndi sure enjoyed it, I think Ben did as well.

Cinnamon Swirl

Cyndi made this one
I was not completely happy with the first crinkle toy I made (
here), so I made another one. And Dique LOVES it.

At the beginning of the month I had to work custodial. They had not taken me off the weekend rotation yet. Luckily I am off now, no I don't have to worry about it any more. It was snowing and I was assigned to collect trash on Temple Square. I went around with the lead in the cart. It was great fun. I enjoyed the way Temple Square looked all covered in white.

This is by the corner restrooms and the Assembly Hall near the South-West corner

A sister missionary was enjoying the snow a little to much. She made a snowman and snowwoman on top of the trash cans. We decided to leave the trash cans and not disturb the snow 'couple'

Dique and I play a game on a daily bases. He sits in his rocker chair and kicks his blanket off. I attempt to give him a funny scowl. He smiles and giggles sweetly and I laugh at him. Then I put the blanket back on him. Then he starts again. If he kicks the blanket off and I don't respond quick enough he starts calling me. He is such an adorable attention seeker!
One night Dique was rather fascinated with the bag of corn chips. I how it looks at the bag and tries to grab it.
Back in the middle of October we gave some Jello to the cutest little man in the world! I had to get it on video. I think that it is just darling!
My new creative outlet is ribbon. I really enjoy making little ribbon creatures for Cyndi to wear.
I made some cup cakes for Halloween. The icing did not turn out the way I wanted it to, but the idea still looked rather cute, I think!