So most you really are not very interested in my little woodpecker story, but you are going to hear it anyway. The other day I was coming home from school. The bus drops me off about a block away from my apartment, so I get to walk home the rest of the way. There are three apartment complexes on the block, we live in (lets call it number 1) number 1. So that means I have to walk past number 2 and 3. Just before I got to number 3, I heard a funny tapping/thunking noise. I was looking for where the noise came from and then I noticed that in the corner of number 3 there was a little woodpecker merrily going about his pecking. He is so cute. I went inside and got my camera to take some pictures. He is black and white as you can see. The whole that he is working on can fit him inside of it. So he has been going at it for sometime. Is he not just the cutest little guy ever?
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
I love woodpeckers but I hear very bad things about them - like they go for the bugs and then you have holes - even big holes in your house that make big problems. He is pretty cute though. We had a Flicker on our house knocking about in the spring for several years now.
You'll think he's cute until he starts his very own colony and it sounds like there is a demolition crew hammering away at your walls at 4am in the summer . . .
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