This last weekend, the weather man kept going on about 40% chance of snow on Tuesday. The closer we got to Tuesday, the more hype the weather men were putting on the snow. They had snow warnings posted and everything. On previous occasions when they say that we are going to have snow/rain, we never get it. And that is very disappointing. But yesterday they actually got it right! There was not as much snow as they were worrying about, but this morning the world looks all white, pure and beautiful! It makes me happy! We are meant to have more snow today - so exciting if it really happens! I want it to snow so it is like knee deep or higher! I feel jipted when there is only a light covering over the ground. What good does that do when the sun comes out, the snow melts! I want to have lots of snow.
Can you tell that I come from a tropical climate that does not get snow?

Something like this maybe...
1 Comment:
I lover it when it snows a lot, as kids we used to play for hours in the snow building forts and houses, I also hate when it only snows a little
hope your feeling well!
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