Yesterday we had another doctors appointment. Last time if you remember the doctor said that if baby has not had some growth then she is going to send me for another ultrasound. I did not want to have another ultrasound, because to me that means something is wrong. And I felt as though everything was great. I wanted to believe my feelings rather than have an over cautious doctor send me for an ultrasound. So this is how it went...
At the beginning of the appointment, the nursy-lady takes my blood pressure. It was a little higher than normal, so doc was a little concerned. My tummy measured 34 cm and baby's heart beat was perfect (at least something was right). She said that now Baby is about 5.5 lbs. It is still not in the higher range of average, rather on the small side of it. Doc says that on average at 40 weeks the baby is about 7.5 lbs (I have just under 6 weeks for baby to gain 2 lbs). At the end of the appointment she took my blood pressure again and it was in a better range.
So the verdict is.... We are not having another ultrasound. Everything is looking better!
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
Merii Kurisumasu.
... Merry Christmas!
... And ...
Akemashite omedetou. ...
... Happy New Year! ^_^
Hi Case and Ben, So pleased to hear that things are proceeding well with the little worm. Lots of love Dad
pictures - we need more pictures
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