Our wonderful couple (Leslie and Adam) the live above us invited us to Leslie's family Christmas party this last Saturday. She said that they were going to decorate gingerbread houses, play some games, eat some food and have fun. It was a truly wonderful afternoon. Everyone treated us like we were part of the family, it was nice to have that feeling. We arrived there and got introduced to everyone - not that we remembered every one's name right away. Then we found out that they had put a train together for Cynthia to decorate, ever though mom did all the decorating and Cynthia did all the candy eating.
Here is Ben and Cynthia with the finished train. Cynthia kept trying to eat the candy.

The front of the train.

The back of the train.
After decorating trains, we joined some people in the living room where Cynthia got to play around and show off her cute-ness!

Cynthia playing with the 'shopping' toys.

Cynthia sliding down Leslie's legs.

Practicing my poses for my modeling career.
She has a plastic carrot in her month.

Cynthia climbed onto Leslie's lap and helped her play Nintendo DS.

Then Cynthia discovered a little horse. So mom put her on its back. Cynthia new what to do. She started to move her hips and legs as though she were riding a horse.

Another angle of Cynthia on the horse.
We tried to video the 'horse riding' talent of Cynthia's but she stopped the movement when we started to video.

The we went down stairs to play some games and everyone opened presents. Look how excited Cynthia is.

Then Cynthia got introduced to the puppy. At first she liked it, but then she started to freak out. She loved the cats.
It was a very fun Saturday. Thank you Leslie for letting us spend it with you and your family!