For those of you who keep track of special days, last Saturday was Ben's birthday! We are on the activities committee at church and the 13th was the ward Christmas breakfast. So there was no sleeping in for the birthday boy. I got up early and made him blueberry pancakes with homemade blueberry syrup. I woke Ben up and told him that he needs to shower or he wont shower before we go out. So he showered and then I woke Cynthia up and She helped Daddy open up his presents.
Cynthia finger panted in coloured icing sugar for her present to DaddyThen Ben shared his blueberry pancakes with a little monster who claimed she had to eat what Daddy was eating.
After breakfast, we went to the breakfast with the ward. After that we dropped Cynthia with the baby sitter and we went to movies. The funny thing about it is that Ben chose to watch Twilight for his birthday date becuase he knew that I wanted to watch it. So I got to watch Twilight for Ben's birthday date - I really am not a selfish person!
I hope that you had a great day Love! You are the best!
I like the finger painting in icing idea - I never considered making finger paint edible!
nice cake btw and nice face Cynthia
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