The day began like any other day, except I knew something was different. When Ben and I awoke early, I had a feeling that something was going to happen. Ben left for work like usual and I went back to bed. Later when I got up for my day, I still had this gut feeling that something was up. I was not sure if it was a good feeling or not, so I decided to 'watch' it carefully.
Work that morning was busy. I was typing up documents that were hand written on bright yellow paper - now that can really hurt the eyes. I was running around all morning. It was just a mad morning at work. I usually work from 8 AM - 12 PM, but this morning I clocked in early and only clocked out at about 1 PM. When Ben came by to pick me up, I was tired and really hungry. I wanted to get a bacon cheese burger for lunch, but decided not to since I was so tired, I thought I would not be able to enjoy the burger at all. So home we went for a afternoon nap.
At home I climbed into bed and was talking to Ben. I was trying to convience Ben to go to class with me that night since I was still feeling something was different, and I wanted him near incase something happened. The next thing I knew, I really need to go to the bathroom. Not being able to move very well, Ben helped me up. As I got up, I felt like I had lost all control over my bladder. It was somewhat scary - not really knowing what was happening. Sitting on the toilet talking to Ben about what just happened, we decided to try and call the more experienced people we know. Ben got out his phone and tried to call his mom, but there was no answer, I tried and call Cindy at work, but she was still in a meeting. The last call we made was to the doctor, and her phones were down so we were unable to get through. We decide that this was not just the need to urinate, but probably my water breaking. So Ben finished packing my hospital bag and off we went to the hospital.
Arriving there we were escorted into a labor and delivery room to get preped for tests to see if my water had really broken or not - it had! Then I got little monitoring devices straped to my tummy - one measured my contractions and the other measured little Cynthia's heart rate. Once that was taken care of, I had a drip (IV) put in my hand and I was put on Pitocin to encourage labor.
Then we began the waiting game. At 6 PM the nurse arrived to see how far I was and to her surprise I was further than she expected. I had dialted to a 2, my cervix was at 90% and baby was sitting at -2. By this time as well, I had my epidural and was feeling great - actually I was not really feeling anything and my friend Katelyn had arrived to bring Ben food and hold my other hand. The nurse said that she would be back in about 2 hours to check again. 8 PM rolled around and I was dialated to a 5. At 9 PM I was sitting at a 7 and by 10 PM I was fully dialated. 11 PM I was preped to begin pushing and the labor began. 3 1/2 hours later my doctor had arrived and she decided that it was best, since Baby's heart rate was dropping and she was not moving further down the birth canal, that a c-section was necessary. The last thing that I wanted was to have a c-section so we decided to call our home teacher for a blessing. After recieving the blessing I felt more prepared for a c-section. Off they wheeled me into the OR.
At 03:13 AM, 24 January 2008, little Cynthia was born weighing 6lbs 10oz and 20 inches long. They then began to sew me up. I felt my back starting to hurt and and some other pain in my tummy area. I remember saying something about that, then the next thing I remember is waking up in the labor and delivery room that I was in when I first arrived. They were preparing me to move to the other side of the hospital for recovery. And that was it.

Work that morning was busy. I was typing up documents that were hand written on bright yellow paper - now that can really hurt the eyes. I was running around all morning. It was just a mad morning at work. I usually work from 8 AM - 12 PM, but this morning I clocked in early and only clocked out at about 1 PM. When Ben came by to pick me up, I was tired and really hungry. I wanted to get a bacon cheese burger for lunch, but decided not to since I was so tired, I thought I would not be able to enjoy the burger at all. So home we went for a afternoon nap.
At home I climbed into bed and was talking to Ben. I was trying to convience Ben to go to class with me that night since I was still feeling something was different, and I wanted him near incase something happened. The next thing I knew, I really need to go to the bathroom. Not being able to move very well, Ben helped me up. As I got up, I felt like I had lost all control over my bladder. It was somewhat scary - not really knowing what was happening. Sitting on the toilet talking to Ben about what just happened, we decided to try and call the more experienced people we know. Ben got out his phone and tried to call his mom, but there was no answer, I tried and call Cindy at work, but she was still in a meeting. The last call we made was to the doctor, and her phones were down so we were unable to get through. We decide that this was not just the need to urinate, but probably my water breaking. So Ben finished packing my hospital bag and off we went to the hospital.
Arriving there we were escorted into a labor and delivery room to get preped for tests to see if my water had really broken or not - it had! Then I got little monitoring devices straped to my tummy - one measured my contractions and the other measured little Cynthia's heart rate. Once that was taken care of, I had a drip (IV) put in my hand and I was put on Pitocin to encourage labor.
Then we began the waiting game. At 6 PM the nurse arrived to see how far I was and to her surprise I was further than she expected. I had dialted to a 2, my cervix was at 90% and baby was sitting at -2. By this time as well, I had my epidural and was feeling great - actually I was not really feeling anything and my friend Katelyn had arrived to bring Ben food and hold my other hand. The nurse said that she would be back in about 2 hours to check again. 8 PM rolled around and I was dialated to a 5. At 9 PM I was sitting at a 7 and by 10 PM I was fully dialated. 11 PM I was preped to begin pushing and the labor began. 3 1/2 hours later my doctor had arrived and she decided that it was best, since Baby's heart rate was dropping and she was not moving further down the birth canal, that a c-section was necessary. The last thing that I wanted was to have a c-section so we decided to call our home teacher for a blessing. After recieving the blessing I felt more prepared for a c-section. Off they wheeled me into the OR.
At 03:13 AM, 24 January 2008, little Cynthia was born weighing 6lbs 10oz and 20 inches long. They then began to sew me up. I felt my back starting to hurt and and some other pain in my tummy area. I remember saying something about that, then the next thing I remember is waking up in the labor and delivery room that I was in when I first arrived. They were preparing me to move to the other side of the hospital for recovery. And that was it.
I want to see pictures! Post them please? Glad you are ok and that little Cynthia made in to this world healthy! -lots of loves Nena
She's precious Case. Congrats and I hope you recover soon. Love you guys.
WOW!!! 3 1/2 hours!!! That's amazing...I was only pushing for 30 mins. and I thought that was bad enough. Cynthia is beautiful, and I'm glad that Ben has been so helpful to you. Jake was kind of that way, except for the nursing. That was definetly my gig he said.
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