Today was Cindy Kim's 2 months check up. She also got her shots. She is 10 lbs and 1.5 oz. 22 inches long with a head size of 38.5 cm. The doctor is very happy with her growth and everything else. Though she suspects that Little Cindy Kim might have a small cleft palate. She is sending us to the specialist to find out more. She says that it is so far back and so small that she is not sure, but she wants us to see the specialist just so that we know and the specialist can tell us more about it. So we will keep everyone updated about what happens with that. The doctor wanted to check all her muscles and make sure that all her joints are growing correctly. When Little Cindy Kim was placed on her tummy, she impressed us all. She hates being on her tummy and always puts up a fuss when we try and give her tummy time, but this time she wriggled and giggled. Little Cindy Kim climbed onto her arms and lifted her head and part of her back, she then proceed to lift her butt and her legs into the air and wriggled some more. Within a few seconds of being on her tummy she had managed to move herself from 0 degrees to about 45 degrees (if that makes any sense). Lets just say that the doctor was extremely impressed by this. After the doctor left she said that she was sending the nurse in to give Little Cindy Kim her shots. While we waited for the nurse she fell asleep across Ben's arm like she was sun-tanning on her grandfathers yacht. One of her shots was a liquid that they gave her to drink. She was very happy to just suck it down - the blue murder screams started when she got stuck with a needle (her mother's child). She was so mad that her screams became silent screams between gasps for air. Then Ben picked her up and she was perfectly content like nothing had happened. She is a baby of many different faces.
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
I am so excited to see how she has grown... L Mm
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