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Update Overload

I update the blog with everything that has happened this month that I was a slacker at. So you will have to click 'older posts' to view everything.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Update as of today

I was going to post an update last week, but then Ben and I got sick so we have spent the last week trying to recover. The update goes as follows:

Well, he has been sick with the flu and a fever, but he is doing better this week. Last week he never went to work at all. He is also looking at a job in Moses Lake, so there might be a chance we would be moving there in April once I graduate.

I am finishing up my last semester - exciting! I had my six week check-up on Monday. My doctor gave em a clean bill of health and I am also 4 lbs lighter than I was when I first went to the doctor last July. Two weeks ago I had an accounting test in my class. I got my results back this week - 104%. I have no idea what I did. Accounting is very confusing!

At her last doctors appointment, she weighed 8 lbs. She can also hold her head up, and balance sitting up without assistance. She has started to smile and is spending more time awake. She has also learnt to sleep 7 hours at night. She is amazing!

So that is the basic update of our lives.

1 Comment:

mumovearls said...

Cassey I am so proud of you for passing your accoutung class that is the best news! Congrats!
Keep us posted about Ben's job and sounds like little Cindi-Lou-Who is growing fast.-n