Cindy Kim is just so funny. Over the course of her short little life span, I have been watching her. And this is the conclusion that I have come to: in the morning when she wakes up, she decides what she is going to do. Let me explain... All of a sudden she can hold her head up, and that's that. I look at Ben and I am like "Did I miss something?" I know that she has been building her muscles up and all that, but I just think that it is funny how one day she can't do something and the very next she is doing it like a pro! So as of today, she can hold her head up, she is balancing herself against things to make herself sit (if she would hold still - she is a constant wriggle worm) and has started to have conversations with herself and those around her. It is rather entertaining to watch her just sit and coo at Ben when he asks her questions. We have tried on multiple attempts to record it, but the moment that the camera comes out, the cooing stops. I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but Ben and I think we might have this sleeping thing down.
Step 1: Warm room (about 68-70 F)
Step 2: Dimly lit room
Step 3: Tilted mattress (so Cindy Kim does not chock on mucus and saliva)
Step 4: Socks on her feet
Step 5: Ben's miracle wrap (we don't have $30 to order a miracle wrap, so Ben crafted his own out of two receiving blankets - if you want to know what a miracle wrap is just go to
Step 6: Filled to the brim with warm milk
With those few steps we are able to get 9 hours of sleep. It has only happened 3 times in a row, so we are hoping that we can make it last. Now that school is finished,my goal is to get an early sleep schedule for the little princess.
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
Sounds like you guys are getting used to being a mommy and a daddy! Good Luck on the sleep schedule! Finding one that works is hard!
the best thing I have ever done in all my years of being a mom is having a 8 pm bed time for my kids! It's the perfect time for them to go to bed but you have to stick to it. Then after they are in bed you still have time for cleaning and cuddling!
I'm so happy for you guys!! I'm assuming that this means that she is sleeping through the night, isn't it wonderful! All I can tell you is to enjoy it while it last, because once she starts teething she might not be so willing to go to bed when you want her too.
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