Today has been a VERY exciting and eventful day. It started out like any normal day, expect Cindy Kim decided that she was going to roll over - all by herself. She woke up from her nap and Ben put her on her back on the bed to change her or something. Then he turned around to get changed himself. I was sitting on the bed next to Cindy Kim. She was wriggling like she always does so I was not paying her much attention, then I looked down. She had started to roll over - from her back to her tummy. She was just merrily wriggling and rolled over. It was funny. Later that day Ben was trying to get her to do it again, and she could - just with a little bit of help. Lately she has also been more talkative. She is extremely verbal when she is just sitting in her swing or something, it is just the cutest. But you have to make sure she thinks that she is being ignored, because as soon as you give her attention - she is quite. Then later on today once the mail man had brought us the mail, I got a really exciting piece of mail.... My work visa!!!! So now I can get a job and bring in some money! There is this ice-cream place that has just opened up down the road that I have have wanted to try for some time, so Ben decided to celebrate and take me there. It was a blast. So now it is 7 PM and we are all pooped from our eventful day!
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
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