Cynthia had her appointment with the specialist today. Our pediatrician was concerned that she might have a submocous cleft palate. The specialist said that he would be impressed if the pediatrician had picked one up. We do have one of the best pediatrician's in Utah as our doctor! He checked it out and said that he does not think that she has one and even if she did, he could not do anything about it until she was about a year old. He explained to us that the only way that a submocous cleft would effect her was in her speech. He said that it had something to do with the tendents at the top of her month not closing when they were supposed to, but if she is eating fine and everything is good, then we have nothing to worry about. So other than a worry that she might have an egg allergy - Little Cynthia is perfectly healthy!
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
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