Cynthia has been able to roll over for the past couple of months. She can front to back and back to front. Whenever we tell people this their response is: "Now you have to watch her all the time because she will be rolling around everywhere." Though the funny thing is that little Cynthia does not. She will roll over and then complain. So we roll her over again, and then she will roll herself over and start the whole process again. So we have never worried about her being alone and mobile until last night...
Last night Ben took her into our bedroom to get her ready for bed. I was talking to him from the kitchen so he came out to finish the conversation. When we were done, he went back to the bedroom and started to laugh. I went to find out what happened. And we see little Cynthia turning herself around in a circle. Ben left her with her feet facing the edge of the bed. We found her with her feet touching our pillows (a 90 degree turn). We left her there and started to watch what she does. By the time we moved her back into the original position she had turned a whole 180 degrees around. This morning was the same thing. It is the funniest to watch, but she moves. Now we can't leave her alone.
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
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