Many things have been happening these past two weeks. So here is an update of them all! On 23 June I started my first official job. I am the Administrative Assistant at Western States Calibration. We calibrate all sorts of things. I never realised how much there was that needed to be calibrated. The other day someone brought in a 72" ruler for calibration. There are about 18 employees of the company and only 2 are female. I feel like the little sister in the group. The guys are always picking on me. It is great fun working there. We also get free hair cuts. About every six weeks, a hair dresser comes over and cuts every one's hair that wants a hair cut. While we are on the topic of hair-cuts. I figured that it would be cheaper to buy a $20 pair of hair clippers and cut Ben's hair than it would be to pay for hair cuts every few months. So yesterday we bought a pair of hair clippers and this is how it all turned out:
For those of you who don't know. Ben is at school again. He is taking two classes over the summer and a full load in the fall. We are so excited for him. He got an A on one of papers that he wrote the other day. Yay for him! Another exciting event for Ben is that he got named Employee of the Month at UPS! He has is own parking space for the month of July!
Cynthia has been up to much more than anyone of us. She can sit up officially by herself. She is standing with a little of support (meaning balance). She is becoming mobile and is having fun rolling from back to front and front to back. She enjoys reaching for things and when she gets them, it is not fun any more so she reaches for something else. She has started to learn to sleep without being swaddled - she wakes up more at night time though. About six weeks ago she found her feet and they were the new toy for about two weeks. She enjoys reaching for things and covering her face with them. She really likes to slobber all over ice-lollies. Yesterday she had her first taste of real food - PEACHES! And oh, did she love them! She could not get enough of them. You see she has not had a poop for about a week, and Ben and I have been worried, so we decided to try give her something else other than rice and formula. So we feed her peaches. And what do you know, she pooped! She can put her dummy in her month all by herself. She can reach for her bottle and out it in her month.

Life is very crazee with the Ames family at the moment!
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
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