Friday night we all went to the Nickel Arcade. It was so much fun. There were these rides for little kiddies, so we let Cynthia play in them to see what she would do. The Speed Racer was her first. She would not sit down. She stood most of the ride and tried to 'steer.' It was cute. The next one was Noah's Ark. Sadly it did not work. But Cynthia had a great time standing in it and looking in the mirror that was in front of her.
Then there was the train. It was the best. Cynthia stood the whole time. She was having so much fun, though she was trying to figure it out. Just watch...
Finally there was the race horse. We had forgotten that we just fed her. Just after I took the video, she spat up a whole lot. Whoops! ;)
After Mom and Dad had fun playing games, we went to see what our tickets could buy us. We learnt that our tickets could get a whole lot, but nothing that we wanted. So we got Cynthia a blow-up Zebra hammer (pictures to come), Ben got a mood ring that he has always wanted and I got a little frog that looks as though he got electrocuted.
1 Comment:
they never will do what is so cute when you have he camera - amazing at how balanced she is - btw - florescent lights always have made me sick and my perscription glassed had a 'rose' tint that darkened in florescent light and cleared under normal light - I picked a sheer bronzy type tone - it seemed to rest my eyes best.
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