Labour day was a very interesting day. Cynthia woke up at about 7 am, Ben fed her and then we all climbed back into bed. At about 9:20 am there was this extremely loud crack of thunder that woke us up. So we went to investigate. During that morning we had lots and lots of hail falling from the sky. Cynthia found this very interesting. She was mesmerized. She would just stair trying to figure it all out. It was cute. Once it had calmed down a bit, I got some hail in a bowl for Cynthia to play with. Check it out!
We also spent the day unpacking boxes. Cynthia found it fun to help. Here are some pictures of her helping unpack boxes with Ben and I. Just on a side note - she actually made some noise while trying to eat the bugle.
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
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