The other day I was talking with Ouma and I told her about what Cynthia is getting up to in her little adventurous life. I told her that I could not keep her busy. Cynthia is just way to active to play with any of her toys or play much by herself. So Ouma gave me some golden advise. Let her play in the pots cupboard or with all the tupperwares. So I gave her the pots cupboard. And oh, we have hours of fun right there! Ouma you are a genius!
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
we are laughing so hard - I remember every child playing with cookware. And look at Cynthia! Pure joy on that face!!
Nena's boys would get out her metal bowls and wooden spoons and make such a racket - it was so loud we couldn't even think so grandpa and/or grandma, of course, sat on the floor and joined the 'band' - on day one of them started on the top of the stainless steel garbage can - it had its own sound and they all wanted a turn - we let them - ooopppss - it still bears the marks - they got very exhuberant!
ooppss - that is supposed to say One day, one of them started ... etc
BTW - Ben went thru a stage where he refused to eat - it was when his rolls were so deep he could hardly waddle - really he once was a chubby little fellow ... when he only nursed.
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