Last Friday Cynthia went for her 9 month check up - at 10 months might I add. So we arrive there and wait - like normal. Then we go into a room, take Cynthia's clothes off, and get her weighted. She did not like that. Usually she is very good. But this time she put up a little fuss. Then we went back to the room to get her height measured as well as her head. She was really good getting those done. Then she got to play. She was so happy pushing things around and walking with them. The doctor was like: Wow Super baby. Once again she is 50% for her height, weight and head, but super advanced for her motor and verbal skills. The doctor is also super surprised at how much Cynthia sleeps. She said that at a year we can take her off the bottle. I don't think that we will have to take her off the bottle then, she is doing that herself right now. She only has one bottle a day, and that is before she goes to sleep.
So here are her stats:
Height: 28 in (she has grown 2 inches every doctors visit)
Weight: 19 lbs 14 oz
Head Circumference: 44 cm
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
she is a Chunky Monkey!-nena
That is great!! We're doing good. I'm starting to look for a part-time job, because it looks like Jake's transfer is going to take longer than we thought. We finally heard from Portland and they only had part-time available. So, now we are waiting to see what Eugene has to say.
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