Last night I was reading Cynthia a book. She thought because I was reading to her, she could do anything and not get in trouble. She was chatting about something on the other side of the living room and then went quiet. So I looked up to see what had gotten her attention. At Walmart they sell 33c knee high stockings. They come in a little ball type thing. The top is a clear dome and the bottom a colour. Cynthia had put the dome in her mouth and was playing with it like that. I could not believe my eyes. I was so scared that she was going to hurt herself. Well when Ben was home I told him about it and he wanted to see. So I gave her the dome and she popped it into her mouth with no effort at all. It makes me wonder how many times she has done it without me noticing.
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
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