Since today was such a nice day we decided to go to the touch farm. Cynthia had so much fun! She loved all (well most) of the animals. There were just one or two that she was not a fan of. Like the turkey. Don't worry princess, I agree with you there.
We started out at the horses. Cynthia wanted to feed them and touch them. I was worried that they would try and eat her, but they were very good. She still has all ten fingers.

We stole some of the food that was in their feed bucket and gave it to Cynthia to feed the horse with. She fed it a few times. It was cute!

Next we went over to the cows, but none of them would come and play, so we moved to the mule/donkey area. Cynthia would not go near them unless we were at her height. Then she was having fun!

Along the way to see the sheep, we met some pigs and ducks. Sadly the pigs just snorted at us and the ducks ran away. The sheep wanted to play. Cynthia kept trying to touch it and the second on the cage kept trying to eat the diaper bag.

Cynthia really enjoyed the goats.

Here is one bird that I don't want to meet in a dark ally one night. He means business.

Cynthia enjoyed pointing at them from a safe distance.

Playing on the Tracker. She was a lot more comfortable with the animals than she was with the big blue monster.

Cynthia and the baby goat. She loved to try and play with it.

Pointing the momma goat out to Ben. Just in case Dad never saw it!

Another bird that I would not like to see in a dark ally. Cynthia ran away from this cage.

Cynthia really wanted to touch the calves. She enjoyed them so much!

The King of the White Ducks! The feathery crown is funny looking. I don't think that I have ever seen something like this. Today I saw two! One on this white duck and the other on a green duck.

Cynthia was not afraid of the geese. She just walked right past them and never gave them any notice. Such a brave little pumpkin!
We had a great afternoon. Cynthia started to cry when we put her in the car.
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