Update Overload
I update the blog with everything that has happened this month that I was a slacker at. So you will have to click 'older posts' to view everything.
For Halloween this year, I made Ben and Cyndi's outfit - I went as the white bunny, store bought. Cyndi was Alice and Ben was the Mad Hatter. We meshed the cartoon with Johnny
Depp - Bright colours, Johnny
Depp style.

Alice and the Mad Hatter
Ben's Hatter outfit

Linda was trying to get Cyndi to smile so she was pulling faces and doing something with her hands - Cyndi tried to copy what
Granma was doing with her hands

I love this picture. Ben is pulling a funny face and Cyndi is copying.
It was Linda's birthday on Friday. All of her kids pitched in and bought her a new stove. I made her a cake - even though we have about 8 cakes in the house at the moment. Cyndi kept asking if it was my birthday.
The new stove with a purple bow - long time family joke

The cake

Cyndi asked if she could take a picture the other night when I was taking pictures of the pumpkins. I allowed her to. I showed her which button to push and things like that. This was the picture that she took. I thought it was rather good for her first time.
Ben hurt his foot yesterday. Last night his parents made him soak it in some Epsom salts. Well, like any curious cat, Cyndi had to join. It was the tale of the camel in the dessert. First her fingers, then her hand, then her selves got wet so we took off shirt. Then her toes, her feet, then her pants got wet so off they went. You get the picture?
Cyndi had a lot of fun decorating her pumpkin, but even more fun decorating herself. Take a look for yourself!
This year we decided to
decorate pumpkins instead of carve them. Cyndi had a blast. It was great fun to stick things on the pumpkin and then not have an icky-gooey mess to clean up afterwards.

Creativity in process

Where it all happened

The after math

Random pumpkin

Random pumpkin

Random pumpkin

My pumpkin - such a cute little kitty!

Ben's pumpkin - don't want to meet him in a dark alley

I love this pumpkin that Cyndi bejewelled. I think that it is so creative and fabulous!

Cyndi's pumpkin

Happy pumpkin family
On Wednesday I got a nice surprise in the mail. My wonderful co-workers in Salt Lake, sent me a card and a gift card for Target. I love getting gift cards because I can get something that I want, but then again, I hate gift cards because there is so much I want. This time I decided to go with something that I really wanted, but knowing me, I would oogle and google it in the store until someone buys it for me or it becomes sold out. We went to Target and I found a really cute cook book holder - something I have wanted, but never found 'the one.' Well I found two 'the one's' and we got the black one... and the rest of the set (I will use).
The utensil holder

The cook book holder

I only got the spoon holder, they never had the other two options at Target

A fruit basket with banana hanger. This is not the one that I got, it is similar.
Stay tuned for pictures of my kitchen set up with all my new features just as soon as I get a
Thank you Work (Jeanne, Emily, Brian,
Pinki, Julie, Melanie, Pam and Josh), it means the world world to me that even though I am not in the office, you still did something special for me!
This year I got lots and lots and lots of cakes. I was surprised. It was nice, though. I got 2 cakes at Claim Jumper, a lady in the ward brought one by, Linda got one made for me from Safeway, which they messed up, so I got a replacement. That is 5 cakes - way cool!
Cake from the lady in the ward
Safeway cake 1 - we are trying to figure out if those are rats in sleeping bags or slugs.
My replacement cake - It was the best one there.
FYI for all cake shoppers, Safeway does not have good decorating technique.
Tuesday morning we went bowling for my birthday. It was fun. Cyndi got board in the middle, but she still had some fun. After we went and played in the arcade. Cyndi loved it.

And..... ACTION

Cyndi watching her ball

Driving the car

Playing air hockey with mom - Cyndi loved it.

Racing - Dad had more fun!
Two video's of Cyndi bowling - she was so cute. Listen closely in the background you can hear her.
In the afternoon, we went over to Shared's place and had a play date with Cyndi, Ethan and Kylie. Then we had some nummy dinner - spaghetti and meat sauce with garlic bread and salad. We brought one of the many cakes with us and then blow out candles and had cake. We never took many pictures of that. My mom, Layne and Marius got me some flowers and Shared and Britney got me some chocolates - flowers and chocolates, what more could I want.
Thanks to all the birthday wishes (phone calls, emails and Facebook messages) from all my friends and family around the world, it just helped to make the day more special.
On Monday, Ben put Cyndi to bed for a nap and then came and whispered in my ear: How about dinner at Claim Jumper tonight? Needless to say I was excited! We drove to Seattle - 3 hours away, had some really amazing food and drove back, all in one night. It was a wonderful little adventure. Claim Jumper has a Food Network Top 5 Decadent Dessert. So I could not leave without getting some. It is called: the Motherload. It is a 6 layer chocolate cake with chocolate chips inside covered in chocolate fudge icing and topped with walnuts - so good. I still have about 4 1/2 layers.

Cyndi got a colouring in book and some crayons to colour with. She loved being out with us!

Cyndi and Daddy

Cyndi and I

My salad: I got a house salad. It had the works in it. Very very tasty!

Ben's salad: Asian pear and glazed pecan - Ben found some cheese in the salad and ended up not finishing it - but he loved what he did have

Cyndi thought that we should hide from the camera - it was just so cute!

My wonderful, loving husband!

Cyndi's food: Mini corn dogs, frozen grapes and oranges

My food - Ben ordered me a filet Mignon, it was very good! I got some garlic-cheese bread, grilled veggies, Parmesan breaded zucchini - best things ever!

Ben's food. Porter house stake, with grilled asparagus (very tasty) and veggies.

Cyndi eating her mini corn dogs
Ben's honey-bran muffin - come on, does that really look like a honey-bran muffin? I don't think so! But it is.

Cyndi stole my onion rings - no complaints here - and took a couple bits out of it. I think that she like them.

Me and my cupcake surprise, I think that it was red velvet, I could note tell, but it tasted great

Blowing out the candle

Picking off the sprinkles on the birthday cupcake

The bag that the Motherload came in. Cyndi wanted a piece of the action as well, so she is hold up her take-home box with her oranges and grapes inside.

The Motherload in the box
Thanks Love for a wonderful night!