On Wednesday I got a nice surprise in the mail. My wonderful co-workers in Salt Lake, sent me a card and a gift card for Target. I love getting gift cards because I can get something that I want, but then again, I hate gift cards because there is so much I want. This time I decided to go with something that I really wanted, but knowing me, I would oogle and google it in the store until someone buys it for me or it becomes sold out. We went to Target and I found a really cute cook book holder - something I have wanted, but never found 'the one.' Well I found two 'the one's' and we got the black one... and the rest of the set (I will use).

A fruit basket with banana hanger. This is not the one that I got, it is similar.
Stay tuned for pictures of my kitchen set up with all my new features just as soon as I get a kitchen.
Thank you Work (Jeanne, Emily, Brian, Pinki, Julie, Melanie, Pam and Josh), it means the world world to me that even though I am not in the office, you still did something special for me!
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