Update Overload
I update the blog with everything that has happened this month that I was a slacker at. So you will have to click 'older posts' to view everything.
A ward member called David and Linda up one day and invited us to 'raid' his squash patch. So off we went that evening to pick up some pumpkins, butternut and acorn squash. It was a fun little outing. I did not like getting all the sand in my toes, but it was still good.

Cyndi and Granpa picking out butternut

Have you ever seen zucchini this big? I have not. I was like WOW... Looky here!

The pumpkin patch

Look at how deep my poor little feet sunk into the ground. On me left food you can't even see my slop. On the right foot, you can make out the outline of my slop.

My foot prints

Our 'loot'

Cyndi 'on guard'
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