I love Easter. It is one of the best times of the year, it has great religious meaning behind it and it truly has the best candy - hollow bunnies, cream filled eggs, sugar covered marshmallows. So each year I try to do something fun and special for everyone. This year we tried to have a braai with my mom, Gran, Layne and Marius, but the weather was not on our side. But the weather did not stop the Easter Bunny from visiting! Easter Bunny, Ouma, left some bunny-prints up the stairs leading to Ouma's house. Then there was a bag of candy for everyone and a little egg hunt for Cyndi. She was surprisingly rather clever at finding the eggs once she figured out that she had to find them. Even though it was a little cold and our braai got moved back inside, it was fun to hang out with everyone.
The Easter Bunny left Cyndi a message

Cyndi finding the bag of candy for everyone

Cyndi handing out the bag of candy to everyone
Below are two video's of Cyndi with the Bunny-prints. She is rather funny.
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