On Friday we went for our ultrasound to find out what we are having and to make sure that everything is all good. Well everything is all great and wonderful! The bonus of having your ultrasound a few days before you hit the 25th week, is that the baby is bigger and it is easier to tell what the gender is! The result is a little boy. His name will be Damian. We are super excited to be having a little boy and Ben is feeling the tingles starting of being a proud Daddy with his little boy. Here are three pictures of from the ultrasound.

Side view of Damian's face. His hand is by his nose. The Doctor assured us that he was not sucking his thumb, which would be great if he does not pick that habit up.

Front view of his face and hands

One of the pictures we got from the 3D ultrasound that they did. You can see his eyes, nose and mouth. On the left side of the picture is his hand. You can't really see the hand very well in this picture, but in the other picture that we have, you can see his fist up in his face. He has all his fingers on that hand.
Damian will be joining us the middle of July sometime, so that is exciting.
1 Comment:
Congratulations! Boys are fun!
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