A few weeks ago another family of geese joined our little pond. That made 2 little families. This second family has 6 little babies and they all fit under Momma Goose's wings -which I thought was really cool.

You can see two little heads by her tail feathers and by her shoulder/wing you can kind of make out some fluff of another one.

All the little babies hiding. So cute.
Memorial day there was an incident involving this family and a little boy in which one of the little geese got hurt. He was limping very badly and had his fluff on his neck ripped off. Momma Geese would not let me near him to help at all so I kept a very close eye on him every day. Sadly once the little goose, we called him Gimpy, had recovered (about a week) all the geese disappeared. Both families have not returned to our pond.
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