Dique is getting more and more ready for food. It is so cute to watch him and the things he does to get what you are eating. The other night Ben had some chamomile tea and Dique wanted some. He did everything he could think off to get the mug from Ben. When his efforts to get the mug away did not work, he would hold still until Ben was about to take a sip and then wriggle as much as he could so Ben could not take a sip. At one point Dique had hold of the spoon and would whack Ben in the face with it (not very hard though). In the end Ben cooled some off on the spoon and let Dique drink it and that was that. We had to put the rest of the mug into a bottle and let Dique finish it. It was only about 3 ounces. Once the bottle was finished Dique would not give it up. It was rather entertaining. Just another complete opposite to Cyndi. Cyndi still does not like tea, or anything hot/warm to drink. I am slowly getting her to enjoy hot chocolate that is cold.
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
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