We finally got our Christmas tree up last weekend. It only took us 10 days longer than we had planned, but at least it is up before Christmas. This year we decided that we wanted to do a snowflake theme on our tree. At Halloween they started to bring out the Christmas decorations and we noticed that there were some really nice snowflakes. Each week when we went and bought some perishables, we bought a couples snowflakes as well. So by the time the rest of the world and his wife decided to buy decorations as well, we had all of ours and did not have to worry about trying to get it. Since each snowflake had enough glitter on it to glitterize Temple Square, I wrapped each one up so they would not contaminate the others. This weekend when we were putting up the tree, I sat on the couch and unwrapped the snowflakes and handed them to Ben. Thanks to Ben and his decoration eye, we have a perfect Christmas tree!
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
Your tree looks wonderful! -n
AWESOME!!!! did you see ours? - PS please send us a copy of our survey K?
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