This weekend we had a wonderful snow storm/shower/whatever it is really called. It was so beautiful! Last week Rory called and invited Layne, Ben and myself to go with him and his family to the Temple. Rohan got his mission called and is leaving on Dec 19, so this weekend he was going through the Temple to get his endowments. Layne drove up a little earlier and came to my place, that way we were only taking one car. Since it snowed the night before and was still kind of snowing, Ben and Layne had to uncover the car before we could go anywhere. There is a large tree that we were parked under/next to and I was standing underneath it thinking I was safe from getting snowed upon - was I mistaken! Standing under trees is not the safest place to be! I think that it is more dangerous to be under the tree than out in the snow.
After the Temple, we were getting pictures taken on the steps. It was still overcast from the snow that we had been having, but it was not snowing. Ben, Layne and I were getting out pictures taken and all of a sudden a big chuck of snow falls off the Temple and landed right on our heads. I don't how much Layne got, but Ben had big pieces in his hair and I got a large chuck land in the middle of my head, giving me a headache. It was funny! Gotta love gravity and snow!
After the Temple, we were getting pictures taken on the steps. It was still overcast from the snow that we had been having, but it was not snowing. Ben, Layne and I were getting out pictures taken and all of a sudden a big chuck of snow falls off the Temple and landed right on our heads. I don't how much Layne got, but Ben had big pieces in his hair and I got a large chuck land in the middle of my head, giving me a headache. It was funny! Gotta love gravity and snow!

If you look closely at Ben's head you can see some white - that is snow!
you look good, Glad the baby is growing and is healthy.n
we want to see another side view now - each week you will look different!
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