On Friday I had doctors appointment. It went like all the others - only quicker! It was great. Instead of waiting for 2 hours to see her, we barely sat down in the waiting room when we were called in, and then we just got comfortable in her office before she walked in. We were in and out in like 10 minutes - we did not know what to do with ourselves for the rest of the afternoon.
Everything about me looked good, but when we were talking with her about baby's growth, she said that the Worm was average. She then went on to say that if he does not have some significant growth by the next appointment, she is going to schedule another ultrasound to see if there are any problems. Which makes us think that he might be average, but he is on the low side of it.
Our next appointment is in two weeks, so wish us luck!
Block By Block Quilt || The Final
6 months ago
1 Comment:
We'll keep you in our prayers. I love ya girle! Good luck with the appointment and let us know how it all goes.
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