Update Overload
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Will He Eat Her?
Last Saturday there was a stake relief society function. After the function I was sitting in the lobby waiting for Ben and I over heard the conversation of a group of older ladies. They were all well dressed (we live is a very wealthy stake). I would have to guess that they ranged from about 55 - 80. What caught my attention to begin with was the content of their conversation. This is what I heard... "He has such a gorgeous body"... "I wonder if he will eat her"... "He is so charming"... "But that body of his"... I was starting to get a little confused. Then it accrued to me that they were talking about Twilight. The books are marketed to the young adults, so it was rather funny to see and hear a bunch of older ladies talking about this young vampire's body.
Posted by The Ames Family at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Exciting and Eventful
Today has been a VERY exciting and eventful day. It started out like any normal day, expect Cindy Kim decided that she was going to roll over - all by herself. She woke up from her nap and Ben put her on her back on the bed to change her or something. Then he turned around to get changed himself. I was sitting on the bed next to Cindy Kim. She was wriggling like she always does so I was not paying her much attention, then I looked down. She had started to roll over - from her back to her tummy. She was just merrily wriggling and rolled over. It was funny. Later that day Ben was trying to get her to do it again, and she could - just with a little bit of help. Lately she has also been more talkative. She is extremely verbal when she is just sitting in her swing or something, it is just the cutest. But you have to make sure she thinks that she is being ignored, because as soon as you give her attention - she is quite. Then later on today once the mail man had brought us the mail, I got a really exciting piece of mail.... My work visa!!!! So now I can get a job and bring in some money! There is this ice-cream place that has just opened up down the road that I have have wanted to try for some time, so Ben decided to celebrate and take me there. It was a blast. So now it is 7 PM and we are all pooped from our eventful day!
Posted by The Ames Family at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Talking With Ben
This is Cindy Kim teaching Ben how to talk (and doing a really good job at it)!
Posted by The Ames Family at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Like Father... Like Daughter...
Remember a couple of posts ago, there was a picture of Ben and Clarence sleeping on the couch during conference. Well Ben was up all night last night with Cindy Kim, so this morning I find the two of them sleeping on the couch together...
Posted by The Ames Family at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
On a Roll...
The other day we put Cindy Kim on her tummy and she started to try and roll over. She was even successful. Then we got the camera and she conveniently forgot how she did it. The next day, we up her on her tummy, camera in hand and she just cried. Today we put her on her tummy again, not thinking that she would do anything and she rolled over! It was great. We picked her back up and she did it again and again and again. I ran to get the camera ready thinking that she will just 'forget' how to do it, but instead she just carried on rolling over. I always joke with Ben that we have the advanced model!
The first rolling over on camera:
Again and Again:
Posted by The Ames Family at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Before... After
In the morning we find her like this:
What are we ever going to do with this wriggle worm? LOL!
Posted by The Ames Family at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Pure Ecstasy...First Giggle
Last night Ben and I were putting Cindy Kim to sleep. She had a really full belly and a clean diaper. I gave her to Ben so that he could wrap her up for the night, but instead he felt the need to play peek-a-boo. She was smiling and making her little noise then all of a sudden she looks at me and giggles! It was a real baby giggle laugh. And it was just the cutest. We tried with all our might to get her to do it again, but that little giggle seemed to take every little ounce of energy she had left and she started to fall asleep. So without any doubt, we will try again today!
Posted by The Ames Family at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Cindy Kim's Debut
The newest Ames Family
Everyone that was there
The men in the circle
Posted by The Ames Family at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Las Vegas West Reunion
Posted by The Ames Family at 2:26 PM 0 comments
What Next?
Accounting II: A
Human Resource Management: A
Business Planning: A
Book of Mormon II: A
Doctrine and Covenants II: B
In my Doctrine and Covenants class, my teacher had the strangest test. We were not told that we needed the student manual and most of the answers to the questions were in it. Also, we would spend a whole 30 seconds on one topic and then we would have about 20 points of the tests about that. It was still a fun class and I did get a lot out of it.
My accounting class was another story in itself. I think that I learned something from it, I am just not sure. My teacher was a wonderful lady that really tried her best and understood when I never went to class and the few weeks that I took off when Cindy Kim was born. But the only reason why I did well is because of two reasons: 1) Colby (the guy I sat next to) re-taught me everything the teacher went over and 2) I really believe that I had angels writing my tests for me. You see before the test I would be stressing about something and Colby will try with all his might to explain it to me lament terms and I would just be more confused. Then in the test, I would write it like it was second nature to me. It was a really strange feeling, as though someone else was moving my hand I was just there.
I blew my teacher away with my PDF portfolio in my Business Planning class. He was still in the old-school way of doing things and wanted your portfolio in a binder, but I had everything on the computer and did not want to kill trees with my 150+ pages. So I did it in PDF and he loved it. I gave him a CD with it on and he said that he needs to get his future classes to do it this way. I was like: YAY!!!
Now that college has finished and I have graduated: What next?
Posted by The Ames Family at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
So the day began like any other. Cindy Kim never let me get as much sleep as I wanted, so I was running on low. Then I started to freak out a little. I never knew if I was meant to get dressed at home or not, I did not know what side my tassel went on and things like that. At 12:30 Layne arrived and we all left for school. We arrived at the Assembly Hall at about 1:00 - the time that I was supposed to be there. Then I got to hang around in the Tabernacle for about 45 minutes while we wait for all the students to arrive. At about 1:45pm, we began the walk to the Assembly Hall. Once there we walked through all the teachers and into the Assembly Hall. Then we walked around the Assembly Hall and to our seats. We hear talks from Elder Perry, President Woodhouse (school president), and two students who were graduating. Then we all stood up, and they said some funny little hockus pocus thing and we got to move our tassels to the other side and walk up on stage to shake every one's hands and get our picture taken. Then we left out of the back door. That was were I got a bunch of pictures with some friends, lost some friends that I wanted to get pictures with and found some teachers. We then went back to the College for a reception, where we had some food, a class picture taken, give a pin as a little present and got a rose.
And by 5 PM we were back at home, with me making dinner like nothing had happened. So I am now a college graduate and scared of the real world!
Posted by The Ames Family at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Wiggles and Giggles
Cindy Kim just loves to wriggle! She is a worm and never stops. Last night she fussed all night and would not let me sleep very well. So once Ben got home from work, he looked after Cindy Kim while I took a nap. This is a video that Ben took of little Miss Wriggles this morning. I thought that you might enjoy it. She wriggles and giggles and talks to one and all.
Posted by The Ames Family at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Cindy Kim and the Cat
So the other I heard a cat outside out back door. I told Ben and we opened it slowly so that the cat would not come in. We decided that it would be fun to see how little Cindy Kim acts around the cat. So we take her out of the back door and I get the cat. The cat belongs to one of our neighbours that live in the apartment complex - that is why we said it was okay because it was not a stray. We are sitting in the passage way outside our back door. Cindy Kim in sitting on Ben's lap and the cat is playing around with me. Cindy Kim just looks at the black cat, while the black cat is so scared of Cindy Kim. It was funny. I would pick the cat up and put it under Cindy Kim's hand so she can feel its fur and the cat would jump three feet into the air to get away. It just shows that no matter how big or little we are, the animal is always more afraid of us than we are of them. In the end, Cindy Kim had no interest in the cat. I think we need to wait until she is a little older next time.
Posted by The Ames Family at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Cindy Kim Update
Cindy Kim is just so funny. Over the course of her short little life span, I have been watching her. And this is the conclusion that I have come to: in the morning when she wakes up, she decides what she is going to do. Let me explain... All of a sudden she can hold her head up, and that's that. I look at Ben and I am like "Did I miss something?" I know that she has been building her muscles up and all that, but I just think that it is funny how one day she can't do something and the very next she is doing it like a pro! So as of today, she can hold her head up, she is balancing herself against things to make herself sit (if she would hold still - she is a constant wriggle worm) and has started to have conversations with herself and those around her. It is rather entertaining to watch her just sit and coo at Ben when he asks her questions. We have tried on multiple attempts to record it, but the moment that the camera comes out, the cooing stops. I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch, but Ben and I think we might have this sleeping thing down.
Step 1: Warm room (about 68-70 F)
Step 2: Dimly lit room
Step 3: Tilted mattress (so Cindy Kim does not chock on mucus and saliva)
Step 4: Socks on her feet
Step 5: Ben's miracle wrap (we don't have $30 to order a miracle wrap, so Ben crafted his own out of two receiving blankets - if you want to know what a miracle wrap is just go to miraclewrap.com)
Step 6: Filled to the brim with warm milk
With those few steps we are able to get 9 hours of sleep. It has only happened 3 times in a row, so we are hoping that we can make it last. Now that school is finished,my goal is to get an early sleep schedule for the little princess.
Posted by The Ames Family at 6:14 PM 2 comments
Big Events
So this upcoming week is full of big events! On Thursday I will walk at graduation - I am so excited and so nervous all at the same time. Sure I will be graduating (which is a huge deal since I dropped out of high school), but I will be entering the big bad world. I am no longer a big fish in a little pond, I will be a tiny fish in a huge ocean. It is also Cindy Kim blessing. She will officially be on church records - now that is exciting!
Posted by The Ames Family at 6:07 PM 0 comments