When Ben was driving through Montana on his way back to Cyndi and I in WA, the little Aveo met a deer. Ben walked away without a scratch or bruise - which we are more that grateful for. But the sad tale is that the Aveo did not survive. Poor little car! He lived a great life, and will be missed. The cop that Ben dealt with said that he deals with at least one deer accident per night. The cop also said that most of the time when people hit a deer they try to serve out of the way first, which ends up creating a bigger accident and sometimes even fatal. Like hitting the deer and a tree or something crazy like that.
- Note to everyone: Only drive through Montana during the day! -

Once we got the word from the insurance that the poor little Aveo was not coming home, we had to make new plans. We went shopping for another little Aveo to replace him. We had no complaints about the car and the windshield did save Ben's life. Every where we looked we could not find a little Aveo. We went to a dealer that said they had one on their website, but when we got there, it had been sold. They let us test drive an Impala. It was a good car, so we started the paperwork to purchase it. Things never went as smoothly as we hoped and we ended up going home to get more information and places were closed and other little things like that. Then we decided that we would drive around another car lot. We found this really super cute Pontiac G6. It was fabulous! So we decided that we would forget about the Impala and get the G6. Once again we are met with the same 'problems,' places are closed and we went home without the car and thinking about all our options. That evening Ben was chatting with his brother and he said that if our ideal car was a Mazda 3, look for one until you find it. That got me thinking and the next day I started a search for the Mazda 3 that I wanted. After a little bit, we found a dealership that had a couple of Mazda 3's on their lot. There was one that was at the right price we were looking for. So off we went. It was a good little car. It never had air-con like it said it did, so I passed on it. Then we looked at a few other Mazda 3's on the lot and got one. I absolutely love my new little car! We call her Zoomy. It has a 6 CD player, a sun-roof, air-con, automatic locks, power windows and so much other cool things.
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